Are you thinking about replacing your house’s flooring with a beautiful new flooring? Looking for ideas or want to explore what is popular today? You’ve reached the right place! Here we will tell you about the options and which are more recommended over the others – and why. Here we go!

Wooden Flooring/Hardwood Flooring

Wood flooring is one of the most popular flooring materials along with natural stone. The wooden flooring can create a warm atmosphere if you’re planning a rustic design style for your house. It can also create an elegant vibe to the house, should you choose modern colors and a smooth finishing of the hardwood flooring tiles. It is natural, it is beautiful and it is available in many textures so you can set the tone and style of it.

Laminate Flooring

Today there’s a new option which is the laminate flooring. The laminate flooring offers you to enjoy the beauty of the hardwood floor only in processed material. Meaning, a beautiful environmentally friendly new flooring.

Natural Stone Flooring

Natural stone flooring is also one of the most common flooring materials. It is strong, beautiful and durable. Meaning, it usually lasts for years to come. There are several options for the natural stone to use for the flooring, including: granite, marble and quartz, which are also the most quality options.

Wall to Wall Carpet

It used to be one of the most common flooring coating options, as we used to see it in almost any house in Las Vegas. But, these days, it’s becoming less and less popular. There are several reasons for why the wall to wall carpet is less popular now, but the main reason is because it is pretty hard to clean the carpet rather than hardwood or natural stone floorings. Those who do choose wall to wall carpet for their house’s flooring, usually do so in certain rooms, such as the bedrooms.

There are other choices to do about your new flooring, such as the color and style of it and in which room to do what and, of course, the pricing of the new flooring. For more information about new flooring in Las Vegas, call us at Lia Construction and schedule an obligations-free meeting with one of our experts at: 702-650-0445 and get a free estimate as well.