One of the most common reasons to cause stress before executing a remodeling project at your home, is the desire to create a beautiful space we would love and the concern that comes with it, that we might won’t like the final results of the project. Therefore, figuring out with yourself what are the design element you love and want to have in your new home design, is very important and can reduce your stress significantly. Here are 3 steps to plan your remodeling project’s designing.

Which Design and Decoration Elements You like?

We always say that the professional design can advise you regarding design choices and recommendations, but the one that eventually will live in the house is you and your family. And so, you should first listen to yourself. Have a sit down with yourself, and think not only which elements you like, but what vibe do you wish to grant the space, be it the kitchen or the backyard. For example, say you saw a beautiful kitchen with a granite island, and you wish to have an island in your new kitchen too – you should write it down. Which color do you want it to be? Will it be from the same granite style you’ve chose for the counters? You can also think about what you want to add to the kitchen once it will be done. For example, say you’re known for the great cookies you bake and you always place it in a jar on the counter, where your kids gather to enjoy it – you can add a beautiful shelf, on which the cookies’ jar can be placed.

Consult with Designers and Friends

In order to create a beautiful designed space, the design elements should be able to communicate with each other in some way. It can complete one another, it can be in contrast, or it can be fluent while only one or two elements “break” the general design line. The secret of creating communication between the design elements is to be familiar with as many design styles and being creative too. If you’re not familiar enough with design ideas, you can always consult with a professional design, but you can also consult with a creative friend, should you have one.

Match Everything into a Vision

Once you’ve thought with yourself what you want to achieve in your new kitchen or living room (or any other space you wish to remodel), and consult with designer and friends, you need to assemble the whole picture. Combine all the ideas you’ve liked into a beautiful vision of the new space and try to imagine how it will look. If you like what you see – you’re ready to start the remodeling project!