Along our experience as general contractors, we’ve witness a lot of home remodeling projects. We’ve worked with homeowners, assisting them to decide every little detail about their projects, and carried out countless of such projects from its beginning to its end, where the projects were completed. Our experience taught us that preparation can prevent a lot of head ache to all parties involved, and therefore, we’d like to give you our tips for how to prepare for a home remodeling project, so it will go as smoothly as possible for you.

Prepare Yourself and Your Family

Before starting a remodeling project, the whole family must be prepared for it. It can be hard to live in a house under construction, but if you and your family members will be ready for what to come, you will find that it is a lot easier than what you’ve imagined it to be. It is also important to remember that one project isn’t like any other, meaning there are projects that will be completed in only one day and there are projects to be carried out along longer periods of time, such as one week, one month or even longer. So, it’s important to be aware of the expected period of time to complete your project and prepare accordingly in advance.

Preparing for a One-Day Project

Preparing for a one day remodeling project is a bit different than preparing for a long project. Let’s start with tips for a one-day project and then we’ll continue with tips for longer projects. Suppose you’re about to remodel the kitchen, including replacing the sinks, faucets, etc. What you want to do is prepare the kids for it. It can be a great idea to allow your children to spend the day at a friend’s house or at relatives’ house. That way it will be easier for the professionals to work quickly, while the kids don’t feel that discomfort that involves with having your home remodeled.

If the possibility is available for you and your partner, one of you should take the day off to be at home on site with the professionals, so in any case that a question will arise, whether by you or the professionals, you’ll be able to discuss it with them. It is also best to clear out the kitchen of any furniture that can be moved or cover it with an old blanket so it won’t get dusty or damaged during the remodeling.

Preparing for a Long Project

In longer remodeling projects, where more than one room is intended to be remodeled, you’ll need to prepare in advance. When it is only some of the bedrooms, you can rearrange your family’s sleeping space by placing more beds in the available room/s and share it during the project. If you have more than one bathroom and only one is about to be remodeled, you can share that available bathroom, but you will have to set a fair schedule for your family to follow, because it is not always easy to do especially for the young ones. It is best to create some separation between the rooms to be remodeled and the entire house, so the dust and other dirt from the remodeling won’t spread in the rooms where you’re staying during the project.

In wider projects where your entire house is about to be remodeled, you’ll have to consider alternate residence for your family. It is not only about the convenience of your family members but it is also about not disturbing the daily routine sequence of your family. Your children must sleep well, eat, go to school, etc., and it is important to allow them to do so during the project. The longer the project is expected to last, the more important it is to prepare in advance.

Once the Project Is Completed

When a project takes a long time to complete, your family might get used to their new routine. Therefore, when the project is completed you’ll have to guide them back into your previous functioning routine. Remember – knowing what to expect and preparing for it, will save you and your family a lot of stress, anger and even frustration that sometimes takes place during remodeling projects.

Remodeling Projects in Las Vegas

Thinking about having a remodel project at your house? Call Lia Construction at: 702-650-0445 and our professionals will advise you about all the details for the expected project and the time it will take to complete it. So call us now and allow us to help you prepare for your home remodeling project in Las Vegas including the costs, with no obligations.