The New Year is almost here and each year you promise yourself to remodel your home into the dream house you’ve always wanted. If you finally decided to move forward with it, we can give you a few ideas in order to create a beautiful home! So here are our ideas for each room’s designing style.

Your Bedroom’s Designing

Designing your bedroom should be similar to designing your own private room, and when we say “your” we mean you and your spouse’s. See, the bedroom ought to be your little haven where you can relax at the end of the day and share your romantic. Therefore, we recommend to create a relaxing atmosphere, while using light shades of colors for the walls and dark shades of colors for the furniture, which will be combined into a romantic set.

The Kitchen – Wide and Specious

The kitchen should be wide and specious as possible. Even if you have a small kitchen, you can design it in a modern or contemporary style, so you can save and use as much space as you can. Why? So you’ll be able to enjoy cooking in your kitchen whenever you want to. Not to mention the dining room, that should be suited for your whole family and even a little more than that for those holidays when you host your extended family.

The Bathroom

The bathroom should be safe for the use of your whole family, while answering your family needs. For example, if you have young children, it is recommended to suit the height of the sink for them, so they can be independent when the time comes to it. Safety measurements are important for your whole family, whether for the young ones or the elderly.

The Backyard

Having a big and beautiful backyard, also means you can host your family outside, which can be fun not only during holidays but on every weekend as well! You can include BBQ grill bar, a big table with large capacity, a swimming pool, a wooden deck, a closed lounge with a cabin to warm it during Vegas’ cold evenings, etc. The options are many and you should include whatever suiting for your family preferred activities.

The Kids’ Room

We talk about it a lot in our articles, about the designing of the kids’ rooms. And we always like to say that while it is important to include the needs of the room (such as a lot of storage that we need in the kids’ rooms of any age), it is also important to keep your child involved in the designing choices as eventually they are those who the room is designed for. Of course, the level of involvement depends on the age of the kids – as the older they get, we can give them more choices to make about their room.

Want more of our ideas? Wish to consult with our professionals? Give us a call at: 702-650-0445 and ask away any question about home remodeling and get a free estimate for your project with no obligations!